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Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Male Cosmetic Surgery

It used to that cosmetic surgery was of interest only to women. How much this has changed! It turns out that nowadays, men are almost as likely to consider aesthetic surgery, with the top surgery procedures for men being male breast reduction (gynecomastia surgery), hair transplant surgery, rhinoplasty and chin augmentation.

So what has changed?

I guess we're all more conscious about our appearance, and nobody wants to look their age, but the main reason for this as advertising and the media. Men in commercials definitely seem to look more chiseled, recently, and the same applies increasingly to the leading men in the top Hollywood films.

Women, too, expect a higher standard of grooming in men, while pressure in the work place to appear young and dynamic must also play a part in this upsurge in interest in male cosmetic surgery.

How do we actually feel about this?

If we are honest with ourselves, most men probably miss the days when we didn't have to pay much attention to our appearance. Men were not supposed to try to hard aesthetically, but how this has changed. There are so many cosmetic products now available for men, now making the sorts of rejuvenating claims that we laughed at when applied to female cosmetic products.

Now we are supposed to be concerned if we look tired? Worrying about hair loss and middle-age spread was enough!

The other thing is that we are increasingly short of time, so going to the gym, eating properly, getting enough sleep, all seem a little far-fetched...

So it is no wonder that so many men are now resorting to the scalpel, in order that we look on the outside the way we feel, or would like to, on the inside.

Search Google for "cosmetic surgery for men", and there are millions of pages devoted to this subject. It's quite clear that the times have changed, and that male cosmetic surgery is here to stay.

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