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Monday, 20 June 2011

Taiwan Urges Changes to Chinese Tourist Sector Policies

It seems that Taiwan is starting to really push itself as a viable Medical Tourism destination for China. Already experiencing some success, with many people traveling for cheap cosmetic surgery abroad, reducing or lifting the restrictions for Chinese visitors could benefit Taiwan in a really big way!

The potential spending power of the people of China could have a massive impact for Taiwan, where it is already estimated that they have spent over US$6 Billion in the last three years.

At present, there are restrictions in place to prevent more than 500 Chinese nationals visiting Taiwan, without belonging to a tour group, and these are permitted to stay for a maximum of 15 days. These restrictions make it virtually impossible for Taiwan to compete as a Medical Tourism Destination on a global level.

If Taiwan is successful in its bid, we could witness a huge sea-change, with Taiwan's economy benefiting enormously, both from Medical Tourism and in the tourism sector generally.

It will be interesting to see how (and if!) China responds to this bid. Watch this space...


  1. Taiwan has urged changes in Chines e tourists. Read to get details
    Cosmetic Surgeons
    Breast Implant

  2. Taiwan has urged for change in tourist policy if China. Read to know more
